Written by Amy Morton on June 21, 2023
Ever wondered why it's so darn tough to stick to a plan and resist those pesky cravings? We've all been there, relying on sheer willpower and determination to conquer our urges and make healthy choices. But let's face it, relying solely on willpower can leave us feeling frustrated and questioning our own discipline. The truth is, there's more to the story when it comes to managing binge eating and cravings.

You see, research has uncovered something fascinating. It turns out that the root of the problem may lie in a biochemical imbalance in our brains. This imbalance makes it incredibly hard to resist the temptation to overeat or indulge in unhealthy foods. So, even with all the willpower in the world, it can feel like an uphill battle.

But here's the good news: we can turn this around. In this short e-book, we're going to dig deep into the science of food addiction and the role of brain chemistry in triggering those intense cravings and binge eating behaviors. It's not just about willpower; it's about understanding the underlying biochemical issues that are at play.

Picture this: a life where your daily thoughts are no longer consumed by cravings for sugar, fatty foods, or carbs. A life where you can eat a normal serving of healthy food and leave feeling satiated and satisfied. It's a life of freedom, where weight loss becomes a natural side effect of a balanced brain and healthier relationship with food.

So, if you've ever wondered why your willpower alone hasn't been enough to conquer binge eating and cravings, this e-book is your guide. Let's dive into the fascinating science behind food addiction and brain chemistry. Together, we'll uncover strategies and insights that will empower you to break free from the cycle of cravings and create a happier, healthier you. Let's get started!

Does Food Get You High?

The cycle of drug addiction and food addiction are the same:

1. Cravings: individuals experience intense cravings for substances or specific foods.

2. Substance or Food Use: To satisfy the cravings, individuals engage in substance use or consume the desired food, seeking immediate relief or pleasure.

3. Pleasurable State: The substance or certain foods trigger the release of neurotransmitters in the brain, producing a temporary state of pleasure, or relief.

4. Regret: After the pleasurable state subsides, individuals often experience feelings of guilt, shame, or regret due to their actions and the negative consequences associated with addiction.

5. Attempts to Quit or Control: Motivated by the desire to break free from addiction, individuals make efforts to quit or control their substance use or food consumption, often seeking professional help or support.

6. Relapse: Despite their best intentions, many individuals find it challenging to maintain abstinence or control over their addictive behaviors, leading to relapse and a return to the cycle.

Just as drugs can have a strong influence on individuals struggling with drug addiction, food can also have a significant impact on some individuals. Why? Both drug and food addicts have one thing in common: addictive brain chemistry.

Having addictive brain chemistry is precisely why we often find ourselves eating beyond the point of hunger, satisfaction, and even discomfort. It's what drives us to continue eating, disregarding the signals our bodies send and pushing ourselves to the point of feeling sick.

Understanding the 5 Addictive Brain Types and Their Relationship with Food

Research has shown that there are five different types of addictive brains, each with its own set of characteristics and behaviors. These different types of brains are characterized by a deficiency in certain neurotransmitters, which can lead to addictive behaviors, including food addiction. Discover your Addictive Brain Type here.

Neurotransmitters such as serotonin, catecholamines (including dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine), GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), and endorphins are all involved in the brain's reward pathways. These chemicals act on different parts of the brain to produce feelings of pleasure, satisfaction, and reward, as well as comfort, pain relief, relaxation, energy, focus, motivation, happiness, satiation, fullness, and cravings, which can motivate certain behaviors, such as eating.

In many cases, imbalances or deficiencies in these neurotransmitters can lead to a disruption in the brain's reward pathways and contribute to addiction or compulsive behavior, including intense cravings and uncontrollable binge eating.

Role of Junk Food in Activating Neurotransmitters

Junk food is highly processed and contains substantial amounts of sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats, which can trigger the release of dopamine (and other neurotransmitters) in the brain and activate the reward system. 

Certain processed chemicals fit like keys into neurotransmitter slots and force the release of excitatory chemicals (uppers: happiness, euphoria, energy, focus) or inhibitory chemicals (downers: calmness, relaxation).

This creates a temporary feeling of pleasure and comfort, which individuals with food addiction come to rely and depend on as a source of emotional, physical, or mental satisfaction. Over time, the repeated exposure to junk food can lead to the development of tolerance. 

Development of Tolerance and Addiction

The repeated exposure to junk food and the development of tolerance requires individuals to consume more and more food to achieve the same pleasurable effect. In no time, tolerance can result in the development of food addiction, characterized by compulsive eating and an inability to control food intake. As individuals face the wrath of addiction, physical and mental health problems follow.

Science shows that the lower or more depleted our neurotransmitter levels are, the more we are drawn to addictive foods or substances. Its near impossible to refrain from our drug of choice if our brain chemistry remains imbalanced.

Night-Time Binge Eating: How to Help a Sad Overeater (Brain Type 1)


Brain Type 1 individuals have been found to have lower levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which plays a crucial role in regulating mood, appetite, and sleep. Serotonin is also important for promoting feelings of well-being, happiness, and contentment.

Brain Type 1's are the sad overeaters. They eat for happiness and typically binge eat in the afternoon, evenings, middle of the night and especially throughout winter time. When serotonin levels are low, individuals may experience an increase in appetite, particularly for carbohydrates and sweet foods, leading to overeating and difficulty with portion control.

Additionally, low serotonin levels can contribute to the development of depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. Brain Type 1's can have obsessive thoughts, especially when trying to get to sleep at night. Higher functioning Brain Type 1's can be the 'Type A' personalities, with OCD tendencies. These people have very particular ways of doing things or very particular beliefs and can have very rigid, stubborn views about anything that challenges it.

Often pessimistic, judgmental, anxious, irritable and depressed, Brain Type 1's historically may have used antidepressants, with some effect at alleviating the above symptoms.

Coping with Stress: Strategies for a Stressed Overeater (Brain Type 2)


Brain Type 2 individuals have been found to have lower levels of the neurotransmitter GABA, which plays a crucial role in regulating anxiety, stress, and relaxation. GABA is also important for promoting feelings of calmness and tranquility.

When GABA levels are low, individuals may experience an increase in stress and anxiety, leading to overeating and difficulty with emotional regulation. Additionally, low GABA levels can contribute to the development of insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Brain Type 2's are the stressed overeaters. They eat to cope with their emotions and seek food to feel calm and stress relief. Just like a glass of wine relaxes the body and clears the mind, Brain Type 2's seek food to feel this same effect. These people are often mentally overwhelmed, burnt out, and physically tense. The physical tension keeps them from fully being able to relax and can get in the way of falling asleep at a decent hour at night.

The Brain Type 2 person may have a medication history of benzodiazepines such as Ativan or Xanax, with some effect at alleviating the above symptoms.

Comfort Eating: How to Address Emotional Eating (Brain Type 3)


Brain Type 3 individuals have been found to have a unique relationship with the neurotransmitter endorphins, which are chemicals released by the brain that help to relieve pain and promote feelings of pleasure and well-being. These individuals eat to comfort, soothe, or numb themselves, seeking the same pleasurable effects that endorphins provide.

Brain Type 3's tend to binge on foods that are high in fat, savory, and carb-loaded, such as pizza, pasta, ice cream, and chips. They have a list of foods they absolutely "LOVE!!!" and could not imagine living without. This is because these foods trigger the release of endorphins, which provide them with a sense of comfort and pleasure.

Emotionally and physically sensitive, Brain Type 3's may have a history of chronic pain and may have used painkillers, opioids, or narcotics with some effect at alleviating their symptoms. They can be easily offended and may have been called a "crybaby," as they tend to tear up quickly in emotional situations, such as watching TV commercials.

Impulsive Eating: Tips for a Bored Overeater (Brain Type 4)


Brain Type 4 individuals have been found to have imbalances in the catecholamine neurotransmitters, including dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. These neurotransmitters play a crucial role in regulating energy, focus, and motivation. When imbalanced, individuals may experience a lack of energy, motivation, and follow-through, leading to impulsively eating for any reason, particularly for boredom.

These individuals may find themselves relying on caffeine or sugar to keep them going throughout the day. Additionally, imbalances in the catecholamine neurotransmitters can contribute to the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), apathetic type depression, and other mood disorders.

Brain Type 4's may have a history of medication use such as Adderall, or the street drug cocaine, with some effect at alleviating the above symptoms

Blood Sugar and Hunger: Tips for a Hangry Overeater (Brain Type 5)


Individuals with Brain Type 5 have a distinct relationship with blood sugar that affects their eating habits. Their tendency to overeat is often triggered by unstable blood sugar levels and intense cravings for sweet, sugary, or carb-loaded foods. This can result in frequent hunger pangs and a strong urge to snack throughout the day.

Moreover, their high-carbohydrate diet and habit of skipping meals can cause their blood sugar levels to fluctuate drastically, leading to irritability, mood swings, and intense hunger, commonly referred to as "hangry" (a combination of hungry and angry). Their irritability and severe mood swings can cause them to explode and take out their frustrations on loved ones, but they usually apologize once their hunger is satisfied.

In addition, Brain Type 5 individuals may also experience difficulty sleeping at night due to low blood sugar levels, which can lead to restlessness, insomnia and night eating syndrome (NES).
Brain Type 5 individuals are at an increased risk of developing diabetes or hypoglycemia, which affect blood sugar regulation. They tend to eat to maintain their sanity and crave food all day, every day. However, when it comes time to eat a meal, they consume it impulsively, quickly, and as if they haven't eaten in years, often appearing possessed.

Challenges of Mainstream Binge Eating Treatments

Mainstream therapies recognize that binge eating often involves complex factors, including emotional, psychological, and physiological components. Within the United States, binge eating disorder affects approximately 2-3% of the general population, making it the most prevalent eating disorder in the country. Among those individuals, it is estimated that 20-30% experience a reduction in their binge eating symptoms with the help of various treatment approaches based on willpower, including talk therapy, mindfulness, intuitive eating, medications, nutritional counseling and diet therapies.

While talk therapy and support groups can help individuals explore their emotions and gain insights into their eating patterns, they may not directly target the specific biochemical imbalances in the brain that contribute to cravings and compulsive eating.

Similarly, mindfulness and intuitive eating can promote a healthier relationship with food and enhance self-awareness, but they may not address the underlying neurochemical dysregulation that drives the urge to overeat or engage in binge eating behaviors.

Medications can be prescribed to manage certain aspects of binge eating disorder, such as reducing appetite or regulating mood. However, they often come with long-term side effects and the risk of developing tolerance, dependency or addiction, making them less desirable options for some individuals.

Nutritional counseling focuses on educating individuals about balanced eating and providing personalized meal plans. While it plays a crucial role in promoting healthier food choices, it may not specifically address the chemical imbalances that contribute to cravings and compulsive eating.

Behavior change programs like Noom, along with diet therapies such as the Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting, although not strictly personalized, may offer short-term success but lack long-term sustainable results.

While various treatment approaches, including those relying on willpower, hold value, it's important to acknowledge the limitations of willpower alone, particularly when faced with moments of vulnerability and weakness. Considering the biochemical aspect is crucial for sustainable recovery, as mainstream therapies focusing on emotional, psychological, and physiological factors may not be enough. A holistic approach that incorporates the biochemical perspective is necessary for sustainable recovery.

Do You Want to Lose Weight?

If your goal is weight loss, it's essential to move beyond mainstream therapies, diets, and quick fixes. Instead, let's address the root cause. After all, it's not just about following a plan but also maintaining the hard-earned weight loss.

We've all experienced those moments of trying to eat healthy yet wake up from a black out binge, dazed and confused, surrounded by empty bags of chips, pizza boxes, and fast-food wrappers, riddled with guilt, shame, regret and disappointment.

By targeting these underlying factors, we can naturally achieve weight loss as a simple by product, NOT as the sole focus. So, how can you effectively lose and keep the weight off in the face of cravings and binging? The answer is not more treatments that focus on willpower or discipline. The answer starts with addressing the root of the problem: eliminating cravings and binging through addictive brain chemistry repair.

Repairing Addictive Brain Chemistry: 2 Options

Option 1: Eating for Recovery Food Guide
Option 2: The Binge Eating Recovery Program

Option 1: Eating for Recovery Food Guide

Designed to Benefit Brain Type 5, but foundationally applied to all brain types: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Eating for Recovery is a flexible eating guide, recommended as a starting place for anyone with food and mood issues. Through digestion, food undergoes the basics of transformation. Precursors are required for amino acids and nutrients in food to convert into and build neurotransmitters. This guide advocates complete proteins, healthy fats, fiber-rich foods, nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables, and complex carbohydrates, all foods that a starving brain loves!


• Eat at least 3 complete-protein meals per day (animal-based works best), spaced approximately 2-4 hours apart, increasing frequency during menstruation.
• Always prioritize breakfast and avoid skipping any meals (animal-based complete protein for breakfast works best).
• Skipping meals can lead to low blood sugar, mood swings, and binge-eating, especially for individuals with Brain Type 5.
• See recommended hand portions per meal. Use this as a starting point, adjust as needed.
• If cravings and binging persist despite following the Eating for Recovery guide, it may indicate an underlying issue with neurotransmitters. Consider option 2: The Binge Eating Recovery Program for a more targeted approach.

Eating for Recovery Guide: Mini Case Study

Jim, Brain Type 5

Jim, a jobless 59-year-old male weighing 289 lbs, received a free e-book during a recovery call with Amy and experienced significant improvements.

Initially, Jim felt frustrated, exhausted, angry, and fearful, with poor mental and physical health. He described a sense of hopelessness and helplessness, living for four decades as a dysfunctional addict burdened by shame and low self-worth.

Simple tasks like walking down the stairs, cutting toenails, tying shoes, standing, and personal hygiene became increasingly challenging for Jim.

On day 1 of the Eating for Recovery Guide, Jim’s cravings and binge eating came to a screeching halt. After just a few months, Jim achieved an impressive weight loss of 51 lbs, which surpassed the weight loss goal he set for himself. He also mentioned that the free guide was easy and sustainable.

Notably, Jim's transformation allowed him to secure a job working on his feet for six hours, five nights a week, overcoming previous unemployment due to his weight problems.
He now easily incorporates regular walks, adopts healthier eating habits, enjoys improved sleep quality, and experiences reduced stress levels.

Option 2: The Binge Eating Recovery Program

To recover from food addiction and restore addictive brain chemistry, it's crucial to address the root causes. By replenishing precursors, stabilizing blood sugar, and boosting neurotransmitter levels through CraveControl Therapy, we can flood the brain with significant amounts of brain-targeted neuro-nutrient compounds.

By doing so, we can eliminate and balance the most common problems faced by binge eaters, such as obsessive thoughts, powerful cravings, uncontrolled binging, overwhelming weight gain, and unstable moods. This approach, in synergy with the basics of the Eating for Recovery guide, supports neurotransmitter balance and facilitates the restoration of addictive brain chemistry.

Recovering from food addiction is a life-changing journey where miracles unfold. By combining the Eating for Recovery guide with a personalized brain-targeted Refueling Plan, cravings and binging quickly become a thing of the past. Restored addictive brain chemistry brings freedom, leading to weight loss, reduced preoccupation with food, increased energy, happiness, and confidence. With the ability to follow through with a plan and enjoy favorite treats without losing control or relying on sheer willpower, it becomes a transformative experience that liberates body, mind and soul.

Get more details about The Binge Eating Recovery Program here.

The Binge Eating Recovery Program: Mini Case Study

Mary: Brain Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Mary’s cravings and binge eating stopped on day 1 of the Binge Eating Recovery Program.
Initially, she experienced mental and physical pain, feelings of sadness, fatigue, lack of motivation, stress, and frustration due to her weight and the complete lack of control over food (felt like a slave to food).

Mary considered bariatric surgery as a last resort after trying all mainstream treatment methods unsuccessfully. Within 3 months of starting the Binge Eating Recovery Program, she lost 30 pounds, and 3 months later, she further shed an additional 50 pounds, totaling a weight loss of 80 pounds. Her unrecognizable appearance surprised her doctor, who no longer recommended surgery.

She now feels in control of food, has more energy, and enjoys going to the gym. Mary experiences excellent sleep, has a vibrant personality, sharp mental focus, and reduced stress. Mary's life is now pain-free, and she confidently engages in activities she previously avoided due to weight concerns. She is rediscovering herself and embracing new experiences with joy and freedom.

Explore a collection of real-life case study videos that showcase how individuals have successfully overcome cravings, binge eating, and food addiction, while also experiencing improved mood and achieving weight loss at a faster pace than expected. You can watch the full case study here.

Why Not Just Stay Where You Are? Exploring the Consequences of Long-Term Binge Eating and Food Addiction

Increased Risk of Multiple Addictions
Addiction transfer and developing multiple addictions is common when addictive brain chemistry remains unbalanced. Binge eating and food addiction can heighten the risk of developing other addictive behaviors, including substance abuse, alcoholism, shopping, sex, or gambling addiction among many others.

Mental Health Impacts
Binge eating and food addiction can lead to feelings of worthlessness, a sense of disconnect, low self-esteem, an unhealthy relationship with food, and an obsession with eating and body image. These factors can interfere with daily activities, relationships, and overall well-being.
Furthermore, these mental health impacts are often linked to neurotransmitter imbalances, which contribute to problems like anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Recognizing the intricate relationship between mental health and disordered eating is essential for comprehensive treatment approaches.

Lifelong Addiction & Loss of Self
Imbalanced brain chemistry can lead to loss of self, where individuals feel helpless and trapped by their eating habits. Experiencing a loss of self involves feeling disconnected from one's true identity and personal values. It can lead to a sense of helplessness, as individuals struggle to regain control over their behaviors and thoughts surrounding food. They may feel trapped in a cycle of guilt, shame, and self-blame, further eroding their sense of self-worth.
The loss of self can permeate various aspects of life, affecting relationships, social interactions, and overall well-being. Individuals may find it challenging to engage in activities they once enjoyed or pursue personal goals and aspirations. They may feel defined by their disordered eating patterns, losing sight of their authentic selves.

Physical Health Impacts
Excessive junk food consumption can lead to weight gain, obesity, and related health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes respiratory disorders, joint problems, and cancer. It can also cause nutrient deficiencies and disrupt the balance of hormones and other bodily processes, causing even more health problems.

Daily Life & Financial Consequences
The constant preoccupation with food can significantly impact daily life, including work, social activities, and family interactions. Individuals may find themselves avoiding social situations where they might be tempted to overeat, resulting in feelings of isolation and loneliness. Moreover, the financial strain of food addiction becomes evident as the costs of consistently purchasing junk food and other unhealthy choices accumulate rapidly. This financial burden, combined with potential job loss or reduced work opportunities due to physical limitations caused by obesity, further adds to the challenges faced by individuals in their daily lives.

Social, Emotional & Occupational Impacts
Binge eating and food addiction can lead to feelings of guilt and shame, which can result in negative self-perception, creating barriers to forming and maintaining meaningful relationships, leading to conflicts, resentment, and a loss of trust. The cycle of overeating can impair concentration, reduce productivity, and hinder performance in the workplace. This can result in job dissatisfaction, missed opportunities for career advancement, or even job loss in severe cases. 

Long-term binge eating and food addiction have wide-ranging consequences, impacting multiple aspects of individuals' lives. These consequences include an increased risk of developing multiple addictions, negative effects on mental health, a loss of self, physical health problems, daily life and financial burdens, and disruptions to social, emotional, and occupational well-being. 
While willpower is an important factor in managing cravings and making healthy choices, it is often insufficient for long-term recovery from binge eating and cravings alone. Talk therapy, support groups, mindfulness, intuitive eating, nutritional counseling, and behavior change programs can provide valuable tools and support, but they may not fully address the underlying biochemical imbalances that drive addictive behaviors. 

Therefore, a comprehensive approach that combines willpower with interventions focused on restoring neurotransmitter balance and repairing addictive brain patterns is essential for sustainable food addiction recovery and achieving a healthy relationship with food. By incorporating a holistic approach to address the biochemical aspects, individuals can have a better chance of overcoming cravings, restoring their sense of self, and attaining lasting recovery from long-term binge eating and food addiction.

Get the full version here.


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If TWO of your friends sign up for the Binge Eating Recovery Program, the cost to you is free! Your friends just have to refer your name and contact information when signing up, and the course is all yours!

Free Case Study Video Training
Watch real-life case studies that demonstrate how individuals can overcome cravings, binge eating and food addiction, as well as improve their mood, and achieve weight loss quicker than you think.

Online Course: The Binge Eating Recovery Program: The Most Sustainable Way to Stop Binge Eating

With a 98% recovery rate, utilizing CraveControl Therapy: brain targeted neuro-nutrient compounds balance your neurotransmitters and refuel your addictive brain chemistry. The Binge Eating Recovery Program is an online, self-paced course for overcoming binge eating disorder and achieving food freedom. 
Our holistic approach addresses the root causes of binge eating and repairs addictive brain chemistry. Weekly 1:1 support ensures all your questions are answered and provides the accountability you need. Join us to break free from the cycle of binge eating, reclaim your life, and experience transformation.

Key Benefits:
• Stop cravings and binging by breaking the biochemical chains of food enslavement.
Common Side Effects:
• Achieve a stable mood, tapping into calm, positivity, confidence, and resilience.
• Experience weight loss and unleash your energy, drive, and motivation.
• Become your best self, gain clarity in your purpose, and live authentically.

Addictive Brain Chemistry Quiz
Take the 2-minute quiz to discover your addictive brain type.

 If you are struggling with binge eating, it is important to remember that you are not alone and that help is available at The Binge Eating Recovery Coach. Here, you can find a program that is tailored to your biochemical needs and can provide the support and guidance you need to overcome binge eating. Don't wait any longer, take the first step towards recovery today by watching our case study testimonial videos and learning from those who have successfully overcame these issues. Together, we can break the cycle of food addiction and reclaim our lives. Get the free case study video training here.

Amy - The Binge Eating Recovery Coach

Amy specializes in supporting women in overcoming binge eating and associated challenges such as food cravings, obsessive thoughts, emotional eating, mood swings, and weight gain. Through her unique holistic and biochemical approach, Amy guides her clients in repairing addictive brain chemistry using natural methods. By addressing the root cause, Amy's methods offer a pathway to attain permanent freedom from binge eating.
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