Written by Amy Morton on January 25, 2023
Quick Food Addiction Self-Test
Do you often find yourself eating even when you're not really hungry?
Do you feel like you need to eat more and more of a certain food to get the same pleasure from it?
Do you feel guilty or ashamed about your eating habits?
Have you ever felt like you needed to cut down on your food consumption but couldn't?
Do you eat to the point of feeling physically uncomfortable?
Do you ever eat to the point of feeling physically ill?
Do you find yourself eating alone due to embarrassment about the amount of food you eat?
Do you eat until you fall asleep or to get to sleep?
Do you feel like you have have lost control over your eating?
Do you eat a certain food to get through the day?
Do you feel irritable when you try to cut down or stop eating a certain food?
Have you ever felt like you needed to eat a certain food to: calm down or feel better? 
Have you ever felt like you needed to eat a certain food to: to get rid of: a negative emotion? 
any symptom caused by an illness? a medicine? a drug? alcohol? tobacco? caffeine? marijuana? cocaine? heroin? other drugs or activities? people?

If you answered yes to most of these food addiction self-test questions, it is likely that you currently have addictive chemistry. This would explain your deep love, desire and "need" for certain foods, substances, activities, even people.

Research Article: Overcoming Food Addiction:

Food addiction is a serious condition that affects many individuals, characterized by behaviors such as tolerance, withdrawal, loss of control, and negative consequences associated with food consumption. Understanding the science behind food addiction can help individuals develop strategies to overcome it. In this article, we will explore the role of neurotransmitters and functional nutrition in addressing food addiction, and how these can be used to create a personalized plan for managing and overcoming the condition.

The role of neurotransmitters in food addiction:

Research has shown that certain foods, such as sugar and wheat, can be just as addictive as drugs like cocaine and heroin. This is because they impact the same pleasure centers in the brain as drugs do. Imbalances in neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin can contribute to food addiction. A study by Young (1996) found that dietary precursors of these neurotransmitters can have a positive effect on behavior, suggesting that increasing levels of these neurotransmitters through nutrition can help reduce cravings and improve impulse control.

Functional nutrition in addressing food addiction:

Functional nutrition is crucial in addressing food addiction. A study by Pipingas et al (2013) found that a diet rich in essential nutrients can help reduce cravings and improve overall health. Nutrient deficiencies can contribute to addiction, so it is important to ensure that your diet is balanced and includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods.

Amino acid therapy in addressing food addiction:

Amino acid therapy is also a key element in neurotransmitter repair and balancing. A study by Pipingas et al (2013) found that a deficiency in specific amino acids such as tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylalanine can lead to food cravings and addiction. The study suggests that supplementing with these amino acids can help balance levels and reduce cravings.

Personalized approach:

It is important to remember that everyone's body is different, and what works for one person might not work for another. Food addiction is a real condition that affects many individuals, and it's important to understand the science behind it in order to overcome it. By focusing on neurotransmitter repair, functional nutrition, and a personalized approach, individuals can develop strategies to manage and overcome food addiction. If you struggle with food addiction, it may be helpful to seek out professional help from a certified recovery coach such as The Binge Eating Recovery Coach. Watch real-life case studies with this free case study video training showing that food addiction recovery is not only possible, but it can be maintained with an individualized approach focusing on brain chemistry repair, naturally. Get the free case study here.

Scientific Research Article References For: Overcoming Food Addiction:

Pipingas A, Camfield DA, Stough C, et al. The effects of multivitamin supplementation on mood and general well-being in healthy young adults. A laboratory and at-home mobile phone assessment. Appetite. 2013;69:123-136.

Young, S PhD, “Behavioral effects of dietary neurotransmitter precursors: Basic and Clinical aspects,” Neurosci Biobehav Review, 1996, summer;20(2):313-23.

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Amy - The Binge Eating Recovery Coach

Uncover the root causes of your binge eating disorder and food addiction naturally, with Amy - The Binge Eating Recovery Coach. Achieve lasting recovery and rediscover your best self with her biochemically-based approach. Say goodbye to guilt, shame, and low self-esteem as you overcome binge eating with the support and guidance within The Binge Eating Recovery Program. Amy will help you transform your body, mind and soul to reach your full potential.
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