Written by Amy Morton on June 16, 2023
In the stillness of night, I lay in my bed
With a heavy heart and thoughts in my head
Of the food I'd consumed, the guilt I felt
And the cycle of binges that I'd dealt.
Food was my comfort, my best friend,
A temporary escape from the end.
But when the binge was through,
I'd feel the weight of what I'd do.

I tried diets, I tried to fast,
But the urge to binge would always last.
I felt trapped and hopeless, it's true,
But then I learned a different view.

Binge eating was not a choice,
It was rooted in my brain, a chemical voice.
I learned that with the right balance,
I could regain control and manage.

I balanced my neurotransmitters with care,
And slowly but surely, the cravings were rare.
I started to see the light,
And with each passing day, I felt more alright.

I found my strength, my motivation,
I stopped hiding, I found my liberation.
I learned that recovery was possible,
And with each step, I felt more capable.

So, to those struggling with binge eating, know this truth:
There's a way to find balance, a path to renewed youth.
Believe in yourself, reach out for help,
And slowly but surely, you'll find yourself in good health.

If you are struggling with binge eating, it is important to remember that you are not alone and that help is available at The Binge Eating Recovery Coach. Here, you can find a program that is tailored to your biochemical needs and can provide the support and guidance you need to overcome binge eating. Don't wait any longer, take the first step towards recovery today by watching our case study testimonial videos and learning from those who have successfully overcame these issues. Together, we can break the cycle of food addiction and reclaim our lives. Get the free case study video training here.

Amy - The Binge Eating Recovery Coach

Amy specializes in supporting women in overcoming binge eating and associated challenges such as food cravings, obsessive thoughts, emotional eating, mood swings, and weight gain. Through her unique holistic and biochemical approach, Amy guides her clients in repairing addictive brain chemistry using natural methods. By addressing the root cause, Amy's methods offer a pathway to attain permanent freedom from binge eating.
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